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28 april 2005
Internet, bondfångarnas nya marknad
Project (Investment)
Attention Manager/Ceo
My name is Mr. Ken Mckay, your info was reliably introduced to me.
I will like to invest in your country but I don't know anybody that will help me when I come over there that is my reason of contacting you to know if you will be of assistance.
I have $18M dollars to invest in a profitable business in your country. The money is right now in a an Embassy vault in Europe.If you can handle it then let me know so that we shall plan how to meet ourselves to workout modalites.
I am ready to offer you 10% of the money if you assist me.
Waiting to hear from you for further information.
Best regards,
Mr. Ken Mckay.
Sure babe!
Jag hakar på.
Du kan investera alla dina
18 millar i mitt lilla företag :).
Seriöst erbjudande via en hotmailadress. Not! Skulle inte tro det. Tyvärr lär en och annan gå på detta. Jag hörde häromdagen att en äldre man i Norrland hade blivit av med flera hundratusen via ett Nigeria-liknande mail, innan han äntligen fattade att något lurt var på gång. Dyra läropengar.
Jag tycker tendensen är att det bara ökar och ökar, olika varianter men alla är ute efter samma sak. Sko sig på andras okunskap och dumhet. Det tråkiga är att vi som är vana användare av nätet, vi raderar skiten. Men det tillkommer blåbär varje dag, med lite eller ingen kunskap alls om farorna på nätet och alla lurendrejerier som de kommer att få i sin mailbox, med tiden eller ganska per omgående.
Jag har fem, sex mailadresser som aldrig någonsin exponerats på nätet (VaFan, det ingår ju tio gratis mailadresser i Tele2-abonnemanget och det måååååste man ju utnyttja ;-), eller hur?) och som jag aldrig har använt att sända mail från, ändå trillar det in spam på dessa adresser. Jag är faktiskt ganska fascinerad av detta faktum. Kör de med slumpvisa mailadressgeneratorer, a@tele2.se, aa@tele2.se och så vidare ända fram till mailadresser som börjar på z och så @tele2.se?
Detta nedan var intressant. Norge? Annars brukar det vara lite mer exotiska länder de är döende i cancer i (ursäkta den ironiska tonen och jag sänder mina varmaste tankar till dem som verkligen är drabbade av cancer), runt om i världen. Om det hade funnits pengar varför inte skänka dem till valfri ideell insamling i Norge kära herr Ivar Joachim?
// Annica Tiger
Dear Sir/Madam,
As you read this, I don't want you to feel sorry for me, because, I believe everyone will die someday.
My name is Ivar Joachim a merchant from Norway, I have been diagnosed with Esophageal cancer. It has defiled all forms of medical treatment, and right now I have only about a few months to live, according to medical experts.
I have not particularly lived my life so well, as I never really cared for anyone (not even myself) but my business. Though I am very rich, I was never generous, I was always hostile to people and only focused on my business as that was the only thing I cared for. But now I regret all this as I now know that there is more to life than just wanting to have or make all the money in the world. I believe when God gives me a second chance to come to this world I would live my life a different way from how I have lived it.
Now that God has called me, I have willed and given most of my property and assets to my immediate and extended family members as well as a few close friends. I want God to be merciful to me and accept my soul so, I have decided to give alms to charity organizations, as I want this to be one of the last good deeds I do on earth. So far, I have distributed money to some charity organizations in the U.A.E, Somalia and Malaysia.
Now that my health has deteriorated so badly, I cannot do this myself anymore. I once asked members of my family to close one of my accounts and distribute the money which I have there to charity organizations in Bulgaria and Pakistan; they refused and kept the money to themselves. Hence, I do not trust them anymore, as they seem not to be contended with what I have left for them. The last of my money which no one knows of is the huge cash deposit of Twenty Three Million Three Hundred Thousand United States Dollars ($23.300,000.00USD) that I have with a finance Firm abroad.
I will want you to help me collect this deposit and dispatch it to charity organizations of your choice. If you know that you are willing to assist me in this matter, let me know, because you are going to deal with my Attorney, you can then discuss the percentage from there. My hands, Legs and all my entire body is very weak, so i will not always be very strong to respond to you. Though i have a Lap top in the Hospital which i will be using to know the position of things.
God be with you.
Ivar Joachim.
Annica Tiger april 28, 2005 4:45 FM